Cellular communication contracts: Caution in early termination!

Consumers frequently terminate existing cellular communication contracts without making themselves aware for the legal consequences.

This can be expensive in particular cases then they still have a long contractual term remaining. Companies mostly offer cellular communication contracts with a 24-month term, which is unfavorable from a consumer perspective. These are usually extended automatically by 12 months if they are not cancelled on time. Therefore it should always be checked before termination how long the contract has left and when the contract can be terminated.

Many consumers believe that they have no further obligations towards the contract provider after a termination. This is a widespread error. Companies may demand more overdue charges (with a small discount) as further damages up to the regular end of the contract.

If you concluded your cellular communication contract online or by phone or outside business spaces, you should have it checked by an expert whether revocation is possible for you instead of termination. The contract is cancelled by a punctual declaration of revocation. The contractual parties are then no longer bound to the contract.

The advantage for you is that you - in contrast to termination - no longer have to pay until the end of the contract. It is possible in some cases that the contract can be revoked up to a year and 14 days after the conclusion of the contract. You can find out in our information on revocation whether revocation is possible for you. For personal consultation, you may also contact the Consumer Advice Center with your contractual documents.

When a termination is worth it

If you still have an older cellphone contract which has always been automatically extended by one year, so you should consider whether other rate options or all-network flat rate deals or cellphone rates from cellphone discounters are now cheaper for you. Older rate plans in particular can include unfavorable minute and volume charges, if an adjustment is not made. Your contractual partner frequently only has cheap deals for new customers and long-standing customers pay excessive prices without having been informed about the cheap rates.

Then you should negotiate in any case with the contractual partner (if you do not change) to receive the favorable rates before your contract is renewed automatically.

Take your old number with you

You have a legal entitlement to take your existing cellphone number with you to another provider. However, you must apply for this on time.

  • Many companies must show forms for so-called porting orders.
  • Number porting should cost a maximum of 30.72 EUR inclusive taxes.
  • The new provider compensates these costs in many cases.

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